One Thing To Know Before Giving Up On Natural Pregnancy


Are you unhealthy if you are (in)fertile? Or are you (in)fertile bc you are unhealthy?

Answer: Trick question.

This is the issue with the vast umbrella of words like “healthy” or “unhealthy”. We all have different definitions, we all have different tolerances. For example, someone could go days without a bowel movement and not think twice and not think this is an issue (it is by the way. And another person and go at 10 am instead of 6 am and feel like something is off. So, it’s kinda of a trick question.

The truth of the matter is there is dysfunction. Period. And a healthy body should have healthy, normal function. So, to give a definitive answer, no, we can not claim a perfect bill of health if we have low fertility.

But when struggling to get pregnant, there are known knowns, known unknowns, and then there are unknowns unknowns. Those are the worst, most insidious. Wreaking havoc yet flying under the radar of your awareness and attention.

What are the knowns knowns:

  • Been trying for a while, maybe a year, maybe 7 years, and you can’t get pregnant

Known unknowns

  • The why and how come of it know. you know there is a problem and ou look first to your womb and fertility hormones

Unknown unknowns

  • That seemingly unrelated thing that has been staring you in the face

  • Knowledge that your overall health and fertility are intimately related

  • Awareness and belief that that is where you should be looking, the breadcrumbs you should be following

Symptoms and red flags

Here is a list to consider all other seemingly distant issues that are often concurrent with fertility challenges

  • PMS

  • Fatigue, low energy

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Sleep issues

  • Anxiety, depression

  • Acne

  • Chronic vaginal infections

  • Low/no sex drive

  • Hair loss

These are just a few of the issues common place to women that get swept up and never addressed, yet all along are blaring signals your body tries to use to let you know there is a problem with your whole body health.

In most cases, for most women, low fertility is a classic case of supply and demand. From an evolutionary standpoint, reproduction is a bonus, a luxury of resources, not a key to personal survival. So you have a women with one or more of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and she is caught unaware when getting or staying pregnant proves difficult.

You know how sometimes, maybe after you get sick you look back and see it might because you ran yourself ragged. Not sleeping well. Not eating well. Running off of fumes. Pushing yourself too far and you end up with a cold or the flu. Something minor right? Well take that and multiple it and you end with something bigger like low fertility

Supply and demand

You were demanding so much from your body and you weren’t supplying it with the right things like fuel and nutrition and restorative things like sleep and stress relief. Same thing applies for your health and your fertility. Your health is stressed and strained by so many other things are dealing and yet you demand that your body also get pregnant, cycle and ovulate regularly, and deliver the right hormones in the right amounts to support fertility.

What’s the fix

Stop looking at your womb.

Pregnancy happens outside of the womb. It may seem counterintuitive, but just go with me. If your ability to get pregnant was like the game mouse trap, you have about 20 steps to clear way on the other side of the board before the final piece is triggered. And just like in your body, those piece have to be set up perfectly unless the chain reaction will stall somewhere around step 5 or 10 and never trip all the way down to the mouse getting caught.

The roadblock can be caused by one or more things:

  • Poor self care and healthy habits,

  • High internal and external stress causing cell and tissue damage,

  • Improper nutrition and nutrient balance

There is so much info in your standard blood test if you are looking through a functional lens that has a much narrow range for what qualifies as “normal” and healthy.

  • Lack of vitamins, minerals

  • Stress markers

  • Liver health

  • Heart health

  • Thyroid

  • Inflammatory markers

So go and find those things that are not functioning as they should. Find those things that are demanding more resources than they should. Find ways to increase the supply of nourishing supportive elements to your life, body, and fertility.

Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

What I Learned From My Own Fertility Struggle


Is Your Period The Reason Why You Can’t Get Pregnant?