Is Your Period The Reason Why You Can’t Get Pregnant?

“But what does your cycle say”

A healthy cycle is the best path to getting pregnant without assistance of IUI or IVF. Your hidden or overlooked “weakness” in your menstrual cycle are making it hard to get or even stay pregnant. And you want this to be as EASY as possible!!

So why make it difficult for yourself and neglect or ignore potential red flags in your monthly cycle?

First a question for you…are you tracking your cycle? If you aren’t how do you know if everything is copacetic you aren’t tracking your entire cycle—and not just bleeding days. You can’t manage what you don’t track. And for my mama’s who are tracking, what are you doing with that information? What are you doing about the red flags?

Why is your cycle so important?

Your cycle prepares your egg, uterus and hormones for pregnancy. It’s all about pregnancy friendliness, pregnancy readiness. We can not talk just about your period. Your cycle is more that just bleeding. In fact, I argue that is at the bottom of importance of the phases of your cycle.

Your cycle has 4 parts

1 & 2: The follicular phase and menstration overlap

  • Menstruation happen in the first days of a new cycle

  • The follicular phase-1st day of bleeding until day of ovulation

  • Prepping the follicle and the egg inside (hence the name)

  • Prepping the uterine lining to receive and nourish an egg later

3: Ovulation

  • Can happen around mid-cycle

  • 12-24 hrs after LH surge

  • Closes the fertile window (fertile days where sex can lead to pregnancy)

  • Ends the growth and developmental window of the follicle and egg

4: Luteal phase

  • Follicle isn’t done once egg leaves

  • Becomes new a structure— the corpus luteum—which releases progesterone

  • Newly available progesterone—progestation hormone—directs implantation and signals to hold the uterine lining, do not end this cycle

My Story…

Once I stopped and looked at my cycle, I saw mutiple areas of weakness that has been slowly slidding off track since there birth of my first daughter. And I had never realized

  • My day of ovualiton was too early, most likely interfering with egg development

  • My luteal phase was too short, most likely interfering with my implantation widow

    • And reflected poor progesterone levels from the corpus luteum—mostly likely due to early ovulation

…you see how each piece is important!

Questions to ask yourself about your cycle?

  1. Is the first half of my cycle long enough to allow the follicle as well as the egg inside to develop enough?

    • This affects your fertile window and healthy cervical mucus, and can reflect estrogen imbalance

  2. Do I have strong ovulation

    • Yes it is one time event each cycle, but because it is a result of previous steps it can be weak

      • Side note, ovulation issues account for 40% of low fertility issues

  3. Is the 2nd half of my cycle long enough

    • Know as luteal defect or luteal phase defect, this is a very common issue

    • It can take a fertilized egg 7-10 days to make it to the uterus and implant

    • If your luteal phase—days from ovulation to next cycle—is shorter than 10-12 days, you may not have enough time to support a perfectly healthy egg

Other questions…

  • Do you know how long your fertile window is?

  • Do you know if you have a luteal phase defect?

  • Do you know how long your implantation window is?

  • What does your bleeding say about your body’s pregnancy readiness and friendliness?

    • Too heavy, clots

      • Low iron

      • Inflammation

      • Stagnation

      • Poor circulation

    • Too light

      • Poor lining for implantation

      • Hormone imbalance

Some women have been knowingly dealing with a crazy cycle for years but have passed it off, brushed it off as “just how my cycle is”. Some of you have a “decent’ cycle only working with an expert would lead to uncovering weaknesses.

So what’s my point?

START TRACKING YOUR CYCLE! My point is to look to your cycle for issues. My point it to find help pinpointing the issues in your cycle. This is why i do a cycle mapping for all of my clients. It literally maps out your cycle hormones to figure out weaknesses. You can see the highs and the lows of the two biggies estrogen and progesterone. It maps out each phase and we can look at it for weak spots.

And what do I always say?…I don’t care about diagnosis. I care about the WHY. What is going on in your lifestyle, nutrition, an other areas of your health

  • Liver: hormone balance

  • Adrenal hormones: stress and inflammation

  • Sex hormones like testosterone

  • Vitamin deficiency

  • Neurotransmitter (brain health)

Bottom line…

You must first create a map of your current fertility health. Only then can you create your roadmap to strong fertility and your unique fertile lifestyle that you need to start living TA-DAY.

Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

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