Review: Taking the DUTCH Test

I took the DUTCH Test…

And it was the best decision.

I’ve known about the DUTCH test for years and have even offered it to my clients in the past because of the reputation and value of the in-depth, trusted results. I was originally introduced to it as a way to assess chronic stress and the impact to health, but when I found out it was also useful for fertility, I was in! As someone with secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage, I have done so many of the standard fertility panels and they have all came back “normal”. I was still looking for answers for my root cause issues and the DUTCH test has provided them. It has done the same for many of my fertility clients as well!

What is it…

DUTCH stands for dried urine test for comprehensive hormones…keyword is COMPREHENSIVE! They offer quite a few testing options and I offer them to my clients as well to better create a fertility nutrition and lifestyle plan to remove blockages and fill in gaps.

How does it work…

I summed up my experience and how you take the test on my YouTube channel. I collected 17 urine samples to map out my cycle as well as additional saliva and urine samples to map out my cortisol awakening response to better gauge how my body responds to stress and the impact it is having on my fertility.

The test seemed intimidating with so many moving parts but DUTCH provided a very handy instruction booklet with a chart to outline your cycle day and collection days. The saliva collection was SUPER easy. No need to fill a whole vial, just chew on an absorbent swab and put it back in the tube. The urine collection was quite familiar if you have ever used a pee stick (who hasn’t!)

DUTCH provides a prepaid envelope to ship the samples back when you’re done and it takes about 3 weeks to get the results.

Next steps…

They send your provider the 18 pages result summary to review and create a treatment plan for you. I reviewed my results and have already begun implementing changes to address any highs or lows that were highlighted. I can’t wait to share that with you as well.

Furthermore, as someone who tracks their menstrual cycle, it was really great to compare the signs and symptoms of my fertility to the hormone levels mapped out by DUTCH. Ongoing cycle tracking over the next few months will more easily allow me to monitor improvements to my health, hormones, and fertility as I follow my new treatment plan.

Find a provider

Since I am a provider for DUTCH I reviewed my own results. However, if you are looking to take this or other DUTCH tests, you can work with me or search for your own provider.

As a provider and as someone who has taken the DUTCH test, I can more fully understand and support my clients through the test as well as interpret the results to create a fertility treatment plan for them.

The DUTCH test provides a wealth of information for your whole body health as well as the impact on fertility. This is the ultimate fertility hormone test!

xx and baby dust


Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

Top 3 Tips When Looking For Fertility Support


The DUTCH Test: Fertility Hormone Test