The DUTCH Test: Fertility Hormone Test

DUTCH in home test

The menstrual cycle is a reliable source to identify hormonal irregularities which reflect fertility and overall reproductive health. In an effort to provide each client with the best treatment plan, Moon Catching is a proud provider of the DUTCH Test.

DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones which has been found to be the most reliable collection method to provide accurate results that patients can trust .

Not only do I offer this test to clients, I have also taken the DUTCH test and I am so happy I did. I have learned so much about the root causes of my low fertility and have created a treatment plan for myself as I do with my clients.

How does it work:

This is an in home urine (and saliva in some cases) collection test to easily capture what is going on with your cycle and fertility. Sample are collected on nine different days of the menstrual cycle to capture the hormone pattern not just a snapshot as is common with a one day blood sample taken in a physician’s office.

Each woman identifies specific days in her cycle that are most reflective on her menstrual phases for the most accurate rise and fall of cycle hormones. Clear instructions are provided to confidently select the correct days and collecting quality samples.

The test provided by Moon Catching:

Option 1: DUTCH Cycle Mapping

The DUTCH Cycle Mapping test plots your entire cycle not just Day 3 or Day 20 when you may have gone in for fertility hormone test as is normally offered by traditional tests. You collect urine samples nearly every other day of your cycle to paint the whole picture of what your cycle hormones do each month; showing possible, unexpected dips or surges that can better explain what is happening with your fertility:

  • Early estrogen surge

  • Luteal phase defect

  • Slow response/rise of progesterone

  • Early drop in progesterone

  • Low levels of each

  • And more

Option 2: DUTCH Cycle Mapping + DUTCH Complete (Bundle)

The DUTCH Cycle Mapping + DUTCH Complete (bundle) not only maps estrogen and progesterone through the monthly menstrual cycle but also adds how those hormone are metabolized and broken down (each with a different effect on the body and health outcomes).

Hormonal balance is key. Fluctuating levels of estradiol and progesterone play a major role in a woman’s overall health. Estrogen and progesterone balance reflect healthy cycles, egg health, implantation, and pregnancy outcomes. For example, estrogen should peak in the first half of the cycle which indirectly triggers ovulation. Progesterone should peak in the second half of the cycle reflecting not only that ovulation occurred, but how powerful it was and how well the body can support a potential pregnancy. DUTCH provides a clear picture of not only if hormones reach appropriate levels but also if they peak on the cycle days that they should.

This test is for recommended for:

  • Women struggling with infertility

  • Women with cycling hormones and no menses

  • Partial hysterectomy (ovaries intact but no uterus)

  • Ablations

  • Women with irregular cycles

  • PCOS

  • If the luteal phase shifts from month-to-month

  • Not sure when to test due to long or short cycles

  • Women whose hormonal symptoms tend to fluctuate throughout the cycle

  • PMS, mid-cycle spotting, migraines, etc.

  • Endometriosis

Summary of the hormones and metabolites tested:

  • Estrogens (Estrone, Estradiol) and the metabolites (associated with DNA damage, cancer, endometriosis)

  • Progesterone and the metabolites

  • Melatonin (associated with egg health)

  • Nutrient metabolites key for menstrual health and sustaining pregnancy

  • Cortisol metabolites (limited assessment of levels found in urine)

*Collection method dried urine

Option 3: DUTCH Cycle Mapping PLUS (Recommended)

The Cycle Mapping PLUS has provides the same cycle map as Option 1 and hormone metabolites as Option 2, but also tests for the cortisol awakening response. Finally, one test to assess the interconnectedness of whole body health and the adrenal system on the menstrual cycle and fertility.

Cortisol Awakening Response, tests the morning cortisol level (the primary stress hormone) found in saliva instead of urine. This provides a fuller assessment of hormone fluctuations and baseline stress response. It also reflects the ability to cope with anticipated challenges (anticipatory stress) as well as how chronic stress is dealt with. It is basically a mini stress test to see how your body responds to what should be the simple exertion of waking. This paints the larger picture how your body handles stress and how that can impact fertility.

How it works:

When we open our eyes upon waking, cortisol levels naturally begin to rise by an average of 50%. 30 minutes after waking, cortisol levels will still show this sharp increase. By 60 minutes after waking, cortisol levels have peaked and begin to decline. Measuring this rise and fall of cortisol levels at waking can be used as a “mini stress test”. Research shows that the size of this increase correlates with HPA Axis function, even if the sample measurements are all within range. A quick saturation of saliva swabs upon waking, and at 30 and 60 minutes after waking, provide what is required to assess the Cortisol Awakening Response.

The effect of stress (cortisol) on fertility has been thoroughly researched and documented. The DUTCH Cycle Mapping PLUS provides insight on how well your adrenal system (and whole body hormones not just those in the ovaries) perform throughout the day and how it affects fertility and reproductive health.

Summary of the hormones and metabolites tested:

  • Estrogens (Estrone, Estradiol) and the metabolites (associated with DNA damage, cancer, endometriosis)

  • Progesterone and the metabolites (some are more active in the ovaries and should be favored)

  • Melatonin (associated with egg health)

  • DHEA & Testosterone (role in follicle development and ovulation)

  • Nutrient metabolites key for menstrual health and sustaining pregnancy

  • Cortisol awakening response (thorough assessment of levels found in saliva)

*Collection method dried urine and saliva

This test is invaluable for anyone trying to get to the root cause of their fertility issues that traditional test just haven’t found.

xx and baby dust,


Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

Review: Taking the DUTCH Test


It Starts With An Egg