Your Infertility Is Not Special and That’s a Good Thing

The realization that your body’s ability to reproduce is suffering or damaged is like a gut punch. It is not something anyone can prepare you for. But once the awareness settles into your mind and heart you may be left to grapple with “why me?” or when someone else gets pregnant you may ask “why not me?”.

I hope to give you one piece of encouragement that you can take to heart…

You are not exceptional…and that’s a good thing

We often fall into a pit of despair where we tell ourselves it will never happen. Nothing is ever going to work. My body is beyond saving. But none of that is true. You are special and uniquely made in so many ways, but odds are the root cause of your fertility struggles is not due to some rare disease or dysfunction.

And you don’t have to be special to finally have your baby, not matter how long you have been trying.

Consider this…

Are you neglecting your own intuition? Have you thought “something is wrong in my body” but not sure what exactly. Even as you plan for your next pregnancy have you thought it would be great, but this unwell feeling needs to be addressed first and foremost?

Do you lack awareness, connection to your body and your health and therefore control? Fertility and pregnancy requires whole body health. You may even be experiencing cycle issues that are getting in the way, but you have let it slide. Your eggs are on their own cycle and a healthy menstrual cycle is the only way to support egg quality. Because it all starts with the egg.

Each egg has a 120-day ovulation window. Each egg needs almost 4 months to fully develop for ovulation. Your fertile window is just as important since it is the only time each month when sex can lead to pregnancy. If you aren’t connect to or aware of the changes in your body and cycle you are missing a very important piece to restoring your fertility.

Do you have a plan to take back control, to course correct? Do you have a plan to address your health and by extension your fertility? Those who pursue IVF live cycle to cycle, waiting to see if this protocol will work. I argue that changing your functional fertility gives you back control. Changing the function of your fertility allows it to flow once again and—dare I say it—you are no longer “infertile”. Assisted methods are an expensive band aid. Your long term fertility and pregnancy chances rest in you finding the root cause and addressing it.

I get that you are scared

When trying something new of course you have to weigh the risk and the opportunity cost—the lost benefit of the thing you didn’t choose, that is part of the “price” of making one decision over another (i.e. you can’t have your cake and eat it too).

Because assisted methods are touted as THE first and only option for women and couples struggling to get and stay pregnant it requires a big leap to shift the way you have been taught to view your fertility.

And that’s why you need a possibility model. A shining example, stories of hope that you can see yourself in. Stories of women “fighting the odds” and having their rainbow pregnancy. Stories of women who did in fact use nutrition and better lifestyle habits to change their fertility.

What you should be doing

We were never taught how to get pregnant only how not too. And that is a damn shame. We are now left as full grown women with a elementary understanding of our cycle, reproductive health, and fertility.

When what you need is tailored support. Fertility support that is just for your unique fertility blueprint. Never forget that we are uniquely and wonderfully made. So although our bodies function the same you need specific tools to support you. Instead of shooting in the dark, wasting time, and spinning your wheels following advice in a blog or what your friend did to have her baby, find out exactly where your fertility is suffering and work to restore it.

My 120-Day Egg Method

Right now you are unaware about the cause so you are unclear about the solution. So you may even think you have tried “everything”, but you didn’t try everything beause you haven’t found your root cause—and no, I’m not talking about a fertility diagnosis.

It all starts with the egg.

Every month, your chances of getting pregnant start with your beautiful egg meeting up with an amazing sperm. But the success of pregnancy is predetermined in many ways once that egg takes off. Ovulation is often overshadowed by our monthly bleeding but it should in fact be the focus! That egg—and all the supporting pieces—make or break your chances of getting and even staying pregnant.

My 120-Day Egg method taps in the critical 120-day development window before ovulation! You will use that time to create positive effects in your egg, follicle, cycle hormones, and whole body health. That means the egg you ovulate 4 months from now will be drastically different than the egg you ovulate this month. You have the power to change your fertility one egg at a time.

Make Every Egg Counts!!

I also use specific cycle hormone testing to map out their cycle. A healthy cycle is the only path to a natural pregnancy. This map helps pinpoint weaknesses in the ebb and flow of you hormones that affect egg health and implantation, two of the biggest factors getting on the way.

Functional fertility testing of your whole body is also key because it is not just womb health that needs to be optimized. Your womb is not an island and signals and components from other body systems can impact your reproductive system.

In the end I help clients outline their current fertility fingerprint and work to address any issues by creating their ultimate fertility blueprint. This is a detailed list of nutrition, supplements, and daily habits tailored to you.

What does it all mean

You no doubt often feel overwhelmed and maybe even hopeless when its not working and you can’t get pregnant or you can but your body doesn’t hold the pregnancy. You may have been convinced that the obvious solution is assisted methods because it’s the loudest and most common…but it is not always the best. Not for everyone one and not for every situation. If you aren’t ovulating shouldn’t we help you ovulate again? How is that not the obvious choice?

And if you are supporting your fertility on your own, I applaud you, but sometimes we can only take ourselves so far. And if you are already on the IVF track how many failed cycles can you endure before trying something else? How many months without results, how much wasted time can you afford before you address the root problem?

I wasted a whole year and experienced a second lost. My biggest regret was not finding my fertility fingerprint and blueprint to ultimate fertility sooner. You don’t have to live with regret. Try the thing your intuition is guiding you towards.

Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

The Secret to Fertility Confidence No Matter How Long You’ve Been Waiting


Delayed Not Denied: What to do while you wait