Shifting Fertility From Impossible to Possible

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”

It’s not that we think “impossible” things aren’t possible, we just don’t think they are possible for us. It’s not that we think that women can’t get pregnant naturally after years of trying, it’s that we start to think it will never happen for us.

But what if you shifted your perspective? What if you started to consider how is it possible? How was it possible for those women? Was it just luck (maybe, but probably not). What did they do differently that changed their fertility and their ability to get and stay pregnant?

Researchers have found that we resist even considering the “impossible” as a protective mechanism. A certain part of the brain shuts down even “lofty” dreams to keep us from taking risk that could endanger us—physically and emotionally. Thankfully, another part of the brain acts as a counter balance, and actually kicks in when we imagine greatness in our future. You have the power to train your brain. You have the power to favor the part that encourages and thrives on you planning to change your future.

Wanting to grow your family after years of “proof” that your body can’t do it can seem insane—the definition of insanity is to do the same action, expecting different results.

But if it can happen for her why can’t it happen for you?

An even better question is what if you can make it happen for you? “By asking What If, you give yourself permission to entertain the possibility and begin to connect with the benefits.” Taken from The 12 Week Year, this reminds us of the power of manifestation, of setting your intentions. The more your connect with the future version where you are pregnant and you hold your baby in your arms your desire and determination grows stronger.

And you probably know by now that you are unstoppable when there is something you want!

“Keep doing what you doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’re getting”

Once you have set your mind and your intention on radically changing your fertility and by extension your health, then you can start to sort out the how. And that starts with finding the root cause. Your low fertility didn’t just happen and certainly fixing it isn’t just going to happen. It will take work and will cause you to leave your comfort zone. It will require you to look very closely at your health and your lifestyle choices that may be acting as barriers to strong, natural fertility. There is most likely something there that is depleting your health and telling your body that pregnancy is not a safe option right now.

But first you got to think it is possible. First you have to know it is possible. Then figure out how to get that. How do I address and unblock my body’s natural, God-given, mother nature give ability to create and carry life?

You can regain what was lost. Your body did it once before now it just has to do it again.

Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

A Soft Life For Strong Fertility


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