Ways to address the root cause of (in)fertility

When struggling with fertility and trying to conceive women are often presented with few choices. We are told to turn to modern medicine to help us with the belief that this is the “cure” that will help us get pregnant.

Unfortunately, that system is based on fear and desperation and there is no guarantee. Part of the reason why is that it’s set up to fill in what’s missing without addressing the why. And in doing so woman are often left thinking—and out right told—that the treatment “failed”.

IVF success on the first cycle is 25%-35% and nearly 50% but only after 3 or more cycles. Even if those odds were favorable there is an incredible emotional, menalt, physical, and financial cost attached that not everyone can afford (in every sense of the word).

But “failed” cycles are often dealt with by changing the protocol, but not the health of the woman. Women may even be said to be poor responders and that’s why the cycle failed. But did it actually fail? And what does it mean to be a poor responder? Shouldn’t the protocol include ways to make the woman respond better?

For something to fail means that it had a reasonable chance of success to begin with and without addressing the why, the root cause of low fertility hormones for example, you also neglect how the whole body and womb are also being affected by that same root cause. So even when the best fertility clinic selects the best embryo to transfer women still don’t get pregnant and the cycle “fails” because the health of the whole body is never addressed and supported.

The 3 R’s as an alternative

Pregnancy happens in the body, not just in the womb. As a part of a whole, your womb health and fertility are both impacted by other systems either directly or indirectly like thyroid health, brain function, liver health, and bone health for example. Support whole body health by taking proactive steps and fertility will flow.


For the most part, our society does not promote eating and living in a way that favors fertility. The Standard American Diet and the amount of known toxins that we are exposed to in fact specifically block healthy fertility hormones and interfere with womb health. By removing common toxins like those found in food and our favorite products, you can actively unblock the normal process of fertility and pregnancy.


You will need to address what’s in excess and return to healthy levels or replace what’s missing and deficient. Your body is a wonderfully made biocomputer. It takes what you give it and based on it’s design (programing) has a set reaction. Sometimes what you give it is harmful and the outcome is poor health and low fertility, but when given helpful nourishing things, the outcome is thriving health and abundant fertility. Thankfully, it really is that simple.


Your body seeks balance; it strives to maintain a neutrality call homeostasis. (The easiest example of this is body temp—no one likes being too hot or too cold and we all have a unique set point that is comfortable). Your body is very resilient and can heal itself when properly supported, nourished, and protected from excessive harm and preventable damage—that we inadvertently cause with our poor habits and lifestyle. The restorative balance comes from food and nutrition, of course, but also from creating intention daily routines and habits that actively help calm the internal storms that are created when you live out of balance.

What does it mean

Fertility is not fixed or static. It is fluid and dynamic (flowing like a river) and responds to outside factors, for better or for worse. If you have low fertility or are struggling to conceive, it most likely didn’t “just happen”. It was the result of certain factors that if reversed would also improve your fertility and prepare your body for pregnancy.

Some things are not always controllable, like genetics or your childhood, but control what you can.

Be intentional and very clear about the steps you will take now that will lead you to having your precious baby in the (near) future.

Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health


It Starts With An Egg


Top Pillars of Healthy Fertility