Regain your faith in getting pregnant without IVF by trying these proven tips

What is your biggest concern?

I’ve been playing this question over and over in my mind. And then I asked myself what was my biggest concern? And I immediately knew the answer to that—is it ever gonna happen?

For me I just knew that my story couldn’t end in grief—could it? My husband and I discussed IVF briefly, but we both knew that was not a path we wished to pursue. So where did that leave us? We knew we wanted a sibling for our daughter, we wanted to experience the joy of having a baby at least one more time. But it just wasn’t working. It had been 2 years since we started.

And I know most of my clients and the women I talked to are torn. Wondering what is the next best step. Should they try IVF again? Maybe they have done IVF a few times with no success, no eggs retrieved, failed cycles, and wonder should they keep going or listen to their RE to move on to donor eggs or adoption.

Some have at least done a visit and done the work up even if they haven’t started a cycle yet. But is this really what they should be doing?

So then the question becomes is IVF for you or should you consider the natural route?

Is this you?

Sometimes we eagerly take the advice of those around us who took this supplement or cut out this food and did accumputure once and bam, they had their miracle baby. Or we go straight to google and add maca and chlorophyll because some blog said it works and it’s worth a try right?

Why isn’t it working?

Why is it that the things that seem to work for everyone else doesn’t work for you?

Because you have clearly pinpointed your root cause and found support for those things. Instead you have been rolling the dice and guessing what to do next without even knowing what you are trying to fix. And I get it. You just want to get pregnant, not lose another baby, and bring the next one earth side.

But those things she did or the blog said will work, works for a specific reason for a specific issue.

What is your issues? What is the WHY underneath it all?

Until you figure that out you are still going at this blindly, guessing, rolling the dice—and honestly, wasting time.

What should you do instead?

Slow down.

I know it’s hard to hear, but consider it for one minute. Take some time to slow down and listen to your body, tune into your symptoms and how you feel in your body? Even beyond your fertility struggles, how well is your body functioning? Especially look at your menstrual cycle.

Reflect, assess, look at your habits, and daily practices and nutrition. Ask yourself these important questions:

Are your nurturing your fertility? Or are you draining resources and nourishment away?

Are you “trying” and just hoping for the best?

Are you frustrated that it’s not working and just hoping that next month it will, without doing anything to boost and restore your natural fertility?

So again I ask you—have you considered taking a break? Have you considered working to unblock your fertility and then trying again?

That’s exactly what I did

Last spring I made a plan to take 4 months off, 4 cycles off without trying and avoiding my fertile window.

My issue was recurrent miscarriage not the getting pregnant part so I knew in order to improve my egg health and improve my body’s pregnancy friendlies before I tried again I had to do some real work.

This would have been supportive even without my history. Here’s why. Even if you are not getting pregnant, there is most likely something going on with your egg health as well. Maybe you aren’t ovulating, maybe the egg you do release is not developed enough to be fertilized and implant. So maybe now is not the right time to get pregnant until you can restore each phase of your cycle for more assurance that when do get pregnant, you can carry to term.

I used my own 120-Day Egg method, and It worked. This method optimizes the 120-days it takes for an egg to ovulate. During this window your follicle, egg, and entire system is responsive to any improvements and restoration to your health, increasing your fertility and making it easier to get pregnant.

I know stopping isn’t an option for everyone—tick tick tick—and that is a personal decision and not a requirement of course. Just food for thought.

What everyone must do

Whether you stop or whether you slow down, you must change something. I’m not talking about going on a diet or having crazy restrictions and not going out anymore. But you must start nurturing yourself. You must start feeding your fertility.

With each action you take you are sending your body a message and that message needs to be that you are safe and cared for. That it’s ok to support this pregnancy. Begin to take your body out of crisis or survival mode, and start choosing behaviors and foods that will help you thrive.

Even the effort and tension of “trying” can be a lot. No, I’m not saying “just relax and it will happen”, but I am saying to encourage those relaxed pathways instead of the stress pathways in the body. Make sure your life is soft enough for strong fertility .

Once all the pillars are restored and supported, equilibrium is restored and pregnancy can happen.

You are not infertile. You are imbalanced. Slow down, assess your health, and fix the problem.

Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

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