Preparing for Pregnancy After Loss: Herbs and Supplements Post-Miscarriage

Preparing for pregnancy after miscarriage

There’s never really any making sense of it. Even if we are given an answer, the most likely cause, it still don’t make actual sense. Especially because we are left with the biggest question. Why me?

And to face the same pain and dashed hopes repeatedly is a unique form of torture. But we do it. Over and over again. Because, what if? What if it works the next time?

I certainly am not ready to give up.

For me, it’s not the getting, it’s the staying and I have not yet found why it’s only worked the one time (insert image of amazing little girl that has my whole heart).

So what can I do? Follow the research. I have seen countless examples and proof that removing the blockage and filling in the gaps can help support fertility enough for a chance at natural pregnancy and full term delivery.

Did you know you are in the preconception stage 3 months before you are even pregnant? That conception is a process that starts before you and your partner do the act? Supporting your whole body and your internal environment—the current home of your growing eggs and future home of your growing baby—is vital. The act of conception requires an immense amount of nutrients as well as energy to make sure each domino falls when and how it should. The delicate symphony is only successful 25% of the time even for a young healthy couple. Yeah, it’s that low. So reducing and eliminating any unnecessary obstacles can go a long way to giving yourself a chance. You are trying tip the scale just enough so things fall in your favor.

I’m sure you’ve been on the internets too. Maybe we can compare notes sometime. My best solution is to do your absolute best to support each stage of conception so that your body wants for nothing. Not a single missing piece. Here is a list of my current herbs and supplement selected for their known ability to support fertility and pregnancy or for their known association with miscarriage when deficient. I do believe in food first and I use the supplements to fill in any gaps. If you want to purchase any of these supplements yourself, visit my wellness store and select My Fertility & Miscarriage Supplements.

Overall support:

  • Egg development

  • Prevent genetic issues within eggs

  • Protect eggs from damage

  • Support fertilization and implantation

  • Support placenta development

  • Balance each phase of the cycle

  • Increase fertility hormones for optimal signaling

  • Reduce stress on the body and reproductive system

  • Tone and strengthen the uterus and ovaries

  • Prevent miscarriage

My Vitamins & Minerals:

Vitamin D

  • Egg growth and development

  • Supports fertilization, implantation

  • Reduce risk of miscarriage

Vitamin C

  • Protects eggs from damage

  • Supports placenta development

  • Prevents miscarriage


  • Reduce negative impact of stress

  • Cell signaling

  • Energizes cells for optimal function, maturation, and growth


  • Full coverage of key fertility and pregnancy nutrients


  • Antioxidant, prevents damage to growing eggs

  • Energizes eggs for proper division and replication

  • Needed to reduce chromosomal abnormalities

Vitamin B12

  • Support DNA replication in eggs

  • Deficiency associated with recurrent miscarriage

  • Protects eggs from damage

Prenatal DHA

  • Supports blood flow to placenta

  • Prevents miscarriage

  • Maintains function of the endometrial lining

Herbal Blends

Ovulation assist by Vitanica:


  • Reduces risk of miscarriage

  • Supports fertility

Tribulus fruit

  • Used to treat infertility

  • Supports ovulation and cervical fluid

  • Balances LH/FSH ratio

Chaste tree

  • Balances prolactin levels

  • Restores ovulation

  • Regulates cycle length

Rhodiola root

  • Balances hormone system

  • Supports healthy ovulation

Holy basil

  • Reduces impact of stress and high cortisol on fertility

Fem Rebalance by Vitanica:


  • Improves hormone balance for fertility

Chaste tree

  • Same as above


  • Same as above


  • Reduces whole body inflammation

  • Inflammation of endometriosis


  • Supports healthy ovulation


  • Stabilizes the nervous system to reduce the impact of stress


  • Supports liver health for adequate fertility hormone production

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Balances hormones

Wild yam

  • Provides building blocks for key hormones like progesterone

  • Regulates estrogen/progesterone ratio (estrogen dominance)

Black cohosh

  • Stimulates ovulation (useful for women not responding to clomiphene)

  • Regulates hormones

I hope you can find the peace that I have. The peace that I am doing everything I can to support my fertility and next pregnancy. I combined these supplements with fertile lifestyle changes from eating well, self care to reduce my stress, and movement. I’m not done asking why. But in the meantime, I will support every step of my fertility and never give up hope.

xx and baby dust,


Ericka Wallace

Holistic Fertility Nutrition & Reproductive Health

Obesity and Fertility


Stop Doing This To Improve Cramps & Fertility